Welcome to Actiaal: your knowledge centre and process management for successful telecare and telemonitoring applications. Actiaal helps care organisations in applying sensortechnology in their daily processes.
Process Managament for Care Applications
The application of innovative technology in the careprocess needs proper management in order to bring the investment to a success. That’s why Actiaal doesn’t invest in so called pilotprojects, but suports strategic decisions that will lead to permanent and successful technology applications. Experienced projectmanagement will help you to develop the business case and the planning for implementation, will determine the processindicators, will inform and inspire the staff and other stakeholders, will instruct the ones who are going to work with it and will report progress and processindicators to management and taskforce. No pilotprojects but strategic application of sensortechnology, carefully managed by Actiaal and the end-user. The aim for technology application in the care process is to improve the quality of care processes.
→ improved personal attention and wellbeing
→ self empowerment of the end-user
→ technology and design destined for acceptance
→ involvement of care staff, relatives and informal caregivers
→ effectively and efficient applied care
→ prevention of unnecessary care costs
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VIVAGO care and wellbeing system:
Activity and Sleep Monitoring
A special application in telemonitoring of people’s wellbeing is provided by the Vivago care and wellbeing system. By means of sensors directly on the human body, built in a ordinary but awardwinning wristwatch, each movement of the arm is registered and e.g. also the body temperature is continuously measured. The Vivago system collects valuable data of human’s activity or mobility and also sleep pattern or quality of the sleep as an indicator of (elderly) diseases such as dementia. The progress of the disease can be traced and the necessary care can be personalised at the right moment.
When urgent care is needed but the person is not able to cause an alarm, the intelligent watch will automatically generate this alarm in case of e.g. restlessness at night, disturbed sleep pattern, high activity (a.o. epilepsy), immobility (a.o. waking up late of not at all, a possible fall, sudden decline), stroke or hypothermia, wander behaviour at night and deterioration of the client.
VIVAGO is an unique and intelligent sensorsystem that combines several features, needed in the care for delicate clients:
→ personal alarm / nurse call (on phones or via MOBILE app)
→ automatic wellbeing alarm
→ activity and sleep monitoring
→ wander detection / prevention with watch and LOCATE gps
Vivago is applied in the following care markets:
→ homecare for elderly with dementia (advanced or commencing)
→ homecare for elderly with mobility problems
→ homecare for elderly with high risk of falling
→ care for people with mental or physical disabilities
→ nursing homes for people with dementia
→ rehabilitation care
→ sleep research within hospitals e.g. for treatment of sleep disorders, apneu, adhd, restless leg
The term AAL is widely used for several innovative telecare developments for modern homecare. From simple sensor and alarm systems to sophisticated equipment for video conferencing with a doctor or medical specialist, video chats with relatives or in elederly internet communities. Actiaal is convinced that sensorsystems in the vicinity of the eldely are better accepted, if the sensorsystems do not obstruct in daily life, have no influence on the privacy and do not force extra attention by the elderly. A matter of principle for the elderly, who want to live longer independantly at home. These sensorsystems need to be equipped with auto-intelligence to monitor lifestyle and daily activity patterns, to detect changes in daily patterns, so that care saff can improve their work and prevent high cure costs. A relative or informal caregiver may enter the webbased application and experience the wellbeing of their beloved one. Not only for their own peace of mind but also to improve the given care. And finally when the client is not able to make an alarm himself/herself (e.g. by a possible fall, nighttime agitation, going out of bed late or not at all, immobility), the sensorsystem does the alarming for him/her, completely automatic.
The wireless sensorsystem, delivered by Actiaal in The Netherlands and Belgium is called SALVEO, developed by the French company Pervaya.
Salvoe is a wireless AAL sensorsystem based on IP communication (or public phone) for lifestyle monitoring, recognition of emergencies and preventive automatic wellbeing alarms. Salveo is available in a standard configuration with 6 sensors (motion in livingroom, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, doorcontact and temperature) and can be expanded upto 16 sensors (for extra home safety with a.o. smokedetection, CO-detection, burglary or glassbreak detection). Alarming via phone, e-mail or SMS. Userfriendly webapplication with daily, weekly and monthly reports, trend information, diagnostics, alarm settings, client- and group management and 2 authorisation levels.